by Shawna Clingerman | Bible Journaling, Design Collaborations
I’m so excited to introduce you to my newest collection in the Illustrated Faith Print and Pray shop: SEND LOVE. This month I decided to do a little combo of flipping through the pieces in the collection and sharing my process for fussy cutting all the pieces!...
by Shawna Clingerman | Bible Journaling, Design Collaborations
I’m so excited to introduce you to my newest collection in the Illustrated Faith Print and Pray shop: CHOSEN. My word of the year for 2019 is Chosen and as I’ve pondered this “Chosen” calling of mine – I found myself thinking about the...
by Shawna Clingerman | Bible Journaling, Design Collaborations
FRIENDS! Today is new release day in the Illustrated Faith Print and Pray Shop, and we’ve got CHRISTMAS goodies for you!!! One of the things I love so much about Christmas is that it means time together with family and friends and the people I love. I...
by Shawna Clingerman | Bible Journaling
Ok everyone! I thought it about time I do a post about bible journaling. Bible journaling (aka Illustrated Faith) has really taken a lot of the creative/religious community by storm, if you are wondering exactly what I’m talking about, here is an image to give you an...